A group requested to GMA to ban the film Da Vinci Code, and they want the MTRCB to rate it " "X" or not for public viewing. They even want to stop selling these books and burn them. Sounds nostalgic???
I think these people are just over reacting, it's just a movie. Just because it tells that Jesus had a romantic relationship with Mary Magdalene? My uncle is a priest and he was asked by his cousins and friends about this film if its true, he said that "It's just a movie, It's just a book, and fiction."
And I agree to what my uncle said. Well for starters its just a book and Dan Brown doesn't care whether you believe it or not as long as he reached to every people in the globe (which he did!). Second its just a movie, this is just a visualization of the book so that the people would see it on scree. This is of course for the people who didn't read the book and those who are lazy to read the book.
I just dont get why these people are reacting to Da Vinci Code so much, are they afraid that people might believe, or get confused about what the book or movie has told them? are they afraid that people might stop going to church or this might destroy their faith??? so what? this is a free country.
Well I think that they won't be able to ban this film though I'm just a little pissed off with this people over reacting.